Quiz for July 17th:
Here is the distal colostogram from an ARM patient who underwent a newborn colostomy.
What is the malformation and what would be your approach?
Answer for July 17th:
This rectum is quite low and there is a fistula to the urethra. This is a bulbar fistula. You know this because the rectum enters the urethra below the “elbow”. Also no contrast goes up to the bladder confirming that the fistula is below the urinary sphincter. Here is a helpful diagram to delineate the different types of rectourethral fistulae:
Quiz for July 24th:
A 6-year-old male presents with severe intractable constipation and failure to thrive. Concern for Hirschsprung disease led to a rectal biopsy which showed no ganglion cells but no hypertrophic nerves. What would you do for this patient?