Quiz for September 18, 2023
A 2 year old female who underwent a prior HD pull-through presents with a history from mom that she believes stool is passing via the vagina. How would you evaluate such a patient? What are your methods for trying to find this fistula? If you find one what would you do?
This is a common scenario. The key is the history, and a good exam in the OR. Contrast studies and scoping will often miss such a fistula. You need to know where and how to look. I recommend putting the patient in prone position and using the Lonestar retractor to expose the anal canal. Often the fistula is at the dentate line in the midline. If one is found, sometimes diversion alone gets it to heal, but if not, a redo will be needed with re-mobilization of the pull-through and coverage of the fistula with an ischiorectal fat pad. Here is a video of a case of a congenital H type rectovaginal fistula: